The day Mountain Lion (ML) came out, the “loss-of-iCloud-behind-firewall”-workaround (deactivate authentification in Keychain preferences, see below) did not work any more. Updating to ML helped (but again deactivation is necessary). However, ML requires new versions of #xcode , 4.3.3 or 4.4, older ones do not run under ML. The new Xcode versions, however, can’t link to older frameworks anymore, I particularly miss National Instrument’s nidaqmxbase and the “bTop-2” framework. Both are indispensable for automation in my lab, we measure all electrophysiologic signals in our experiments via Macs. [Btw: the bTop-2 module is visible in the “sealing wax” post below.] And since yesterday, I can’t develop any more. Detailed error message:
ld: framework not found bTop. clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1
This framework does exist, though. Maybe not in a version accepted by clang, though I’ve set the project to 32 bit and more… If anyone has an idea, I would be really really grateful.