Edit 2013-04-19: I now use:
d$FACTOR = relevel(d$FACTOR, "LevelToBeFirst")
occasionally repeated for all levels until the order is right.
However: ggplot does not its own ordering…
See the linked article. Ah, indeed I have been in need of that! And had done it a little less elegantly so far.
More R trivia: Can you believe I hadn’t known “nrow” so far? I mean this nrow(someDataFrame) .
So far I always used length(someDataFrame$id)
Another thing: To me it makes more sense to put the aesthetics into the “ggplot” call, and not into the geoms. Will consistently do that from now on.
End of trivia.
2012-11-15 Addition: here
is another nice trick to re-order factor levels for ggplot
factor(text.plots$DOSE2, levels= levels(text.plots$DOSE2)[c language=”(3,2,1)”][/c])