
Refereed papers by Michael Bach

→Books etc.

     in press
  1. Bach M (in press) Interessante Sinnesphysiologie. Z prakt Augenheilkd

  2. Bach M (2024) Freiburg vision test (FrACT): optimal number of trials? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol  [→PDF]
  3. Cideciyan AV, Roman AJ, Warner RL, Sumaroka A, Wu V, Jiang YY, Swider M, Garafalo AV, Viarbitskaya I, Russell RC, Kohl S, Wissinger B, Ripamonti C, Barbur JL, Bach M, Carroll J, Morgan JIW, Aleman TS (2024) Evaluation of Retinal Structure and Visual Function in Blue Cone Monochromacy to Develop Clinical Endpoints for L-opsin Gene Therapy. Int J Mol Sci 25(19):10639  [→PDF]
  4. Farassat N, Jehle V, Heinrich SP, Lagrèze WA, Bach M (2024) The Freiburg Acuity Test in preschool children: Testability, test–retest variability, and comparison with LEA symbols. Transl Vis Sci Technol 13:14
  5. Friedel EBN, Haldina J, Nickel K, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L, Heinrich SP (2024) Effect of eccentric fixation on the steady-state pattern electroretinogram. Doc Ophthalmol 148:87–95  [→PDF]
  6. Friedel EBN, Tebartz van Elst L, Beringer M, Endres D, Runge K, Maier S, Kornmeier J, Bach M, Domschke K, Heinrich SP, Nickel K (2024) Reduced contrast sensitivity, pattern electroretinogram ratio, and diminished a-wave amplitude in patients with major depressive disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci  [→PDF]
  7. Korn S, Al-Nosairy KO, Gopiswaminathan AV, João C, Scanferla L, Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2024) Scotopic and Photopic Conventional Visual Acuity and Hyperacuity – Binocular Summation. Transl Vis Sci Technol 13:25
  8. Nickel K, Heinrich SP, Beringer M, Endres D, Runge K, Küchlin S, Maier S, Bach M, Domschke K, Tebartz van Elst L, Friedel EBN (2024) Alterations in center-surround contrast suppression in patients with major depressive disorder. Sci Rep 14:28160
  9. Nickel K, Tebartz van Elst L, Beringer M, Endres D, Runge K, Maier S, Küchlin S, Bach M, Domschke K, Heinrich SP, Friedel EBN (2024) Analysis of skin and corneal fiber electrodes for electroretinogram assessments in patients with major depressive disorder. Front. Neurosci. 18:  [→PDF]
  10. Quanz EV, Kuske J, Stolle FH, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Hoffmann MB, Al-Nosairy KO (2024) Effect of nystagmus on VEP-based objective visual acuity estimates. Sci Rep 14:16797  [→PDF]
  11. Thompson DA, Bach M, McAnany JJ, Šuštar Habjan M, Viswanathan S, Robson AG (2024) ISCEV standard for clinical pattern electroretinography (2024 update). Doc Ophthalmol 148:75–85  [→PDF]
  12. Tu Z, Degg C, Bach M, McLean R, Sheth V, Thomas MG, Yang S, Gottlob I, Proudlock FA (2024) ERG Responses in Albinism, Idiopathic Infantile Nystagmus, and Controls. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 65:11

     2023  🔝️
  13. Bach M (2023) Kontrastsehen – eine unterschätzte Sehqualität. Orthopt Pleopt 46:7–18  [→PDF]
  14. Hilmers J, Bach M, Stingl K, Zrenner E, Straßer T (2023) The VA-CAL test quantifies improvement of visual acuity in achromatopsia by means of short-wave cutoff filter glasses in daily living conditions. Transl Vis Sci Technol 12:20
  15. McCulloch DL, Bach M, Brigell M, Chan H, Hamilton R, Hogg C, Odom JV, Robson AG (2023) ISCEV guidelines for calibration and verification of stimuli and recording instruments (2023 update). Doc Ophthalmol 146:199–210  [→PDF]

     2022  🔝️
  16. Bach M (2022) A failed attempt to explain relative motion illusions via motion blur, and a new sparse version. i-Perception 13:20416695221124153  [→PDF]
  17. Friedel EBN, Hahn H, Maier S, Küchlin S, Reich M, Runge K, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Kornmeier J, Endres D, Ebert D, Domschke K, Tebartz van Elst L, Nickel K (2022) Structural and functional retinal alterations in patients with paranoid schizophrenia. Transl Psychiatry 12:1–8  [→PDF]
  18. Friedel EBN, Schäfer M, Endres D, Maier S, Runge K, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Ebert D, Domschke K, Tebartz van Elst L, Nickel K (2022) Electroretinography in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res 15(11):2026–2037  [→PDF]
  19. Hilmers J, Straßer T, Bach M, Stingl K, Zrenner E (2022) Quantification of the Dynamic Visual Acuity Space at Real-World Luminances and Contrasts: The VA-CAL Test. Transl Vis Sci Technol 11:12  [→PDF]
  20. Kommerell G, Bach M (2022) Mallett unit or fully fusionable images for prisms against asthenopia? J Optomet 15:186  [→PDF]

     2021  🔝️
  21. Al-Nosairy KO, Hoffmann MB, Bach M (2021) Non-invasive electrophysiology in glaucoma, structure and function-a review. Eye (Lond) 35:2374–2385
  22. Frase L, Mertens L, Krahl A, Bhatia K, Feige B, Heinrich SP, Vestring S, Nissen C, Domschke K, Bach M, Normann C (2021) Transcranial direct current stimulation induces long-term potentiation-like plasticity in the human visual cortex. Translat Psychiat 11:17  [→PDF]
  23. Friedel EBN, Tebartz van Elst L, Schmelz C, Ebert D, Maier S, Endres D, Runge K, Domschke K, Bubl E, Kornmeier J, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Nickel K (2021) Replication of Reduced Pattern Electroretinogram Amplitudes in Depression With Improved Recording Parameters. Front Med 8:732222  [→PDF]
  24. Hamilton R, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Hoffmann MB, Odom JV, McCulloch DL, Thompson DA (2021) VEP estimation of visual acuity: a systematic review. Doc Ophthalmol 142:25–74  [→PDF]
  25. Hamilton R, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Hoffmann MB, Odom JV, McCulloch DL, Thompson DA (2021) ISCEV extended protocol for VEP methods of estimation of visual acuity. Doc Ophthalmol 142:17–24  [→PDF]
  26. Heinrich SP, Strübin I, Bach M (2021) VEP-based acuity estimation: unaffected by translucency of contralateral occlusion. Doc Ophthalmol 143:249–257  [→PDF]
  27. Hoffmann MB, Bach M, Kondo M, Li S, Walker S, Holopigian K, Viswanathan S, Robson AG (2021) ISCEV standard for clinical multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) (2021 update). Doc Ophthalmol 142:5–16  [→PDF]

     2020  🔝️
  28. Ayton L, Rizzo III JF , Bailey I , Colenbrander A , Dagnelie G , Geruschat DR , Hessburg PC , McCarthy CD , Petoe MA , Rubin G , Troyk PR , for the HOVER International Taskforce [Visual acuity: Bailey I , Bach M , Ferris R , Johnson C , Bittner A , Colenbrander A , Keeffe J , Elec (2020) Harmonization of Outcomes and Vision Endpoints in Vision Restoration Trials: Recommendations from the International HOVER Taskforce. Transl Vis Sci Technol 9:25(1–64)  [→PDF]
  29. Bach M, Atala-Gérard L (2020) The Rotating Snakes Illusion is a straightforward consequence of nonlinearity in arrays of standard motion detectors. i-Perception 11:1–9  [→PDF]
  30. Bach M, Farmer JD (2020) Evaluation of the “Freiburg Acuity VEP” on Commercial Equipment. Doc Ophthalmol 140:139–145  [→PDF]
  31. Bach M, Meroni C, Heinrich SP (2020) ERG shrinks by 10% when reducing dark adaptation time to 10 min, but only for weak flashes. Doc Ophthalmol 141:57–64  [→PDF]
  32. Freundlieb PH, Herbik A, Kramer FH, Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2020) Determination of scotopic and photopic conventional visual acuity and hyperacuity. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 258:129–135  [→PDF]
  33. Friedel EBN, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2020) Attentional Interactions Between Vision and Hearing in Event-Related Responses to Crossmodal and Conjunct Oddballs. Multisens Res 33:251–275
  34. Heinrich SP, Blechenberg T, Reichel C, Bach M (2020) The “speed” of acuity in scotopic vs. photopic vision. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 258(12):2791–2798  [→PDF]
  35. Lang SJ, Böhringer D, Bach M, Reinhard T (2020) Analysis of user behavior on the website of a university eye hospital in Germany. Medicine 99(30):e21348  [→PDF]
  36. Morgan M, Greenlee M, Bach M (2020) Obituary Manfred Fahle (1950–2020). Perception 49:727–729  [→PDF]
  37. Werner AL, Tebartz van Elst L, Ebert D, Friedel E, Bubl A, Clement H, Lukačin R, Bach M, Bubl E (2020) Normalization of increased retinal background noise after ADHD treatment: A neuronal correlate. Schizophrenia Research 219:77–83
  38. Wesemann W, Heinrich SP, Jägle H, Schiefer U, Bach M (2020) Neue DIN- und ISO-Normen zur Sehschärfebestimmung. Ophthalmologe 117:19–26  [→PDF]

     2019  🔝️
  39. Bach M, Heinrich SP (2019) Acuity VEP: improved with machine learning. Doc Ophthalmol 139:113–122  [→PDF]
  40. Reiniger JL, Lobecke AC, Sabesan R, Bach M, Verbakel F, de Brabander J, Holz FG, Berendschot TTJM, Harmening WM (2019) Habitual higher order aberrations affect Landolt but not Vernier acuity. J Vis 19:11  [→PDF]
  41. Rohrschneider K, Spittler AR, Bach M (2019) Vergleich der Sehschärfenbestimmung mit Landolt-Ringen versus Zahlen. Ophthalmologe 116(11):1058–1063  [→PDF]
  42. Stiebel-Kalish H, Hellmann MA, Mimouni M, Paul F, Bialer O, Bach M, Lotan I (2019) Does time equal vision in the acute treatment of a cohort of AQP4 and MOG optic neuritis? Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 6:e572  [→PDF]

     2018  🔝️
  43. Bach M (2018) Kantenfilter (Editorial). Ophthalmologe 115(11):914–915  [→PDF]
  44. Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2018) Calculation and plotting of retinal nerve fiber paths based on Jansonius et al. 2009/2012 with an R program. Data Brief 18:66–68  [→PDF]
  45. Bach M, Rohrschneider K (2018) Kantenfilter – Physikalische und physiologische Grundlagen. Ophthalmologe 115(11):922–927  [→PDF]
  46. Bach M, Cuno A, Hoffmann MB (2018) Retinal conduction speed analysis reveals different origins of the P50 and N95 components of the (multifocal) pattern electroretinogram. Exp Eye Res 169:48–53  [→PDF]
  47. Constable PA, Bach M, Frishman LJ, Jeffrey BG, Robson AG (2018) Correction to: ISCEV Standard for clinical electro-oculography (2017 update). Doc Ophthalmol 136:155
  48. Rohrschneider K, Bach M (2018) Kantenfilter – medizinische Indikation und klinischer Einsatz. Ophthalmologe 115(11):916–921  [→PDF]
  49. Stiebel-Kalish H, Amitai A, Mimouni M, Bach M, Saban T, Cahn M, Gantz L (2018) The Discrepancy between Subjective and Objective Measures of Convergence Insufficiency in Whiplash-Associated Disorder versus Control Participants. Ophthalmology 125:924–928
  50. Strasburger H, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2018) Blur Unblurred-A Mini Tutorial. i-Perception 9:2041669518765850  [→PDF]

     2017  🔝️
  51. Atala-Gerard L, Bach M (2017) Rotating Snakes Illusion – Quantitative analysis reveals a region in luminance space with opposite illusory rotation. i-Perception 8:2041669517691779  [→PDF]
  52. Bach M, Hoffmann MB, Jägle H, Heinrich SP, Schiefer U, Wesemann W (2017) Kontrastsehen – Definitionen, Umrechnungen und Äquivalenztabelle. Ophthalmologe 114:341–347  [→PDF]
  53. Bach M (2017) Mythen der Sinnesphysiologie. Z prakt Augenheilkd 38:435–437
  54. Constable PA, Bach M, Frishman LJ, Jeffrey BG, Robson AG (2017) ISCEV Standard for clinical electro-oculography (2017 update). Doc Ophthalmol 134:1–9  [→PDF]
  55. Constable PA, Bach M, Frishman LJ, Jeffrey BG, Robson AG (2017) Erratum to: ISCEV Standard for clinical electro-oculography (2017 update). Doc Ophthalmol 134:155  [→PDF]
  56. Hoffmann MB, Brands J, Behrens-Baumann W, Bach M (2017) VEP-based acuity assessment in low vision. Doc Ophthalmol 135:209–218  [→PDF]
  57. Kessler R, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2017) Two-Tactor Vibrotactile Navigation Information for the Blind: Directional Resolution and Intuitive Interpretation. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 25:279–286
  58. Kommerell G, Bach M (2017) Prismen bei Heterophorie und Asthenopie2. Orthopt Pleopt 40:51–67
  59. Luebke J, Anton A, Bach M (2017) Test-retest reliability of scotopic full-field electroretinograms in rabbits. Doc Ophthalmol 134:157–165  [→PDF]
  60. Stiebel-Kalish H, Lotan I, Brody J, Chodick G, Bialer O, Marignier R, Bach M, Hellmann MA (2017) Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer May Be Better Preserved in MOG-IgG versus AQP4-IgG Optic Neuritis: A Cohort Study. PLoS One 12:e0170847  [→PDF]

     2016  🔝️
  61. Bach M (2016) Dichoptisches Training bei Amblyopie. Ophthalmologe 113:304–307  [→PDF]
  62. Bach M, Reuter M, Lagrèze WA (2016) Vergleich zweier Visustests in der Einschulungsuntersuchung – E-Haken-Einblickgerät versus Freiburger Visustest. Ophthalmologe 113:684–689  [→PDF]
  63. Bach M, Schäfer K (2016) Visual acuity testing: feedback affects neither outcome nor reproducibility, but leaves participants happier. PLoS One 11:e0147803  [→PDF]
  64. Bartholomew AJ, Lad EM, Cao D, Bach M, Cirulli ET (2016) Individual Differences in Scotopic Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity: Genetic and Non-Genetic Influences. PLoS One 11:e0148192  [→PDF]
  65. Heinrich SP, Bock CM, Bach M (2016) Imitating the effect of amblyopia on VEP-based acuity estimates. Doc Ophthalmol 133:183–187  [→PDF]
  66. Hertenstein H, Bach M, Gross NJ, Beisse F (2016) Marked dissociation of photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity even in normal observers. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 254:373–384  [→PDF]
  67. Kommerell G, Bach M (2016) Prismen bei Heterophorie und Asthenopie. Z prakt Augenheilkd 37:333–341
  68. Kornmeier J, Wörner R, Bach M (2016) Can I trust in what I see? EEG evidence for a cognitive evaluation of perceptual constructs. Psychophysiol 53(10):1507–1523
  69. Liaci E, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L, Heinrich SP, Kornmeier J (2016) Ambiguity in Tactile Apparent Motion Perception. PLoS One 11:e0152736  [→PDF]
  70. Odom JV, Bach M, Brigell M, Holder GE, McCulloch DL, Mizota A, Tormene AP (2016) ISCEV standard for clinical visual evoked potentials: (2016 update). Doc Ophthalmol 133:1–9  [→PDF]
  71. Rainy N, Etzion T, Alon S, Pomeranz A, Nisgav Y, Livnat T, Bach M, Gerstner CD, Baehr W, Gothilf Y, Stiebel-Kalish H (2016) Knockdown of unc119c results in visual impairment and early-onset retinal dystrophy in zebrafish. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 473:1211–1217

     2015  🔝️
  72. Bach M (2015) Aufregung um die Farbe eines Kleides – blau-schwarz oder weiß-gold oder? Ophthalmologe 112:512–516  [→PDF]
  73. Bubl E, Dörr M, Riedel A, Ebert D, Philipsen A, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L (2015) Elevated background noise in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is associated with inattention. PLoS One 10:e0118271  [→PDF]
  74. Bubl E, Kern E, Ebert D, Riedel A, Tebartz van Elst L, Bach M (2015) Retinal dysfunction of contrast processing in major depression also apparent in cortical activity. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 265:343–350
  75. Gruber RP, Bach M, Block RA (2015) Perceiving Two Levels of the Flow of Time. J Consciousness Stud 22:7–22
  76. Heinrich SP, Groten M, Bach M (2015) Relating the steady-state visual evoked potential to single-stimulus responses derived from m-sequence stimulation. Doc Ophthalmol 131:13–24  [→PDF]
  77. Heinrich SP, Lüth I, Bach M (2015) Event-Related Potentials Allow for Optotype-Based Objective Acuity Estimation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 56:2184–2191  [→PDF]
  78. Klöppel S, Lauer E, Peter J, Minkova L, Nissen C, Normann C, Reis J, Mainberger F, Bach M, Lahr J (2015) LTP-like plasticity in the visual system and in the motor system appear related in young and healthy subjects. Front Hum Neurosci 9:506  [→PDF]
  79. Kommerell G, Kromeier M, Scharff F, Bach M (2015) Asthenopia, Associated Phoria, and Self-Selected Prism. Strabismus 23:51–65
  80. Marhöfer DJ, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2015) Objective measurement of visual resolution using the P300 to self-facial images. Doc Ophthalmol 131:137–148  [→PDF]
  81. McCulloch DL, Marmor MF, Brigell MG, Hamilton R, Holder GE, Tzekov R, Bach M (2015) Erratum to: ISCEV Standard for full-field clinical electroretinography (2015 update). Doc Ophthalmol 131:81–83  [→PDF]
  82. McCulloch DL, Marmor MF, Brigell MG, Hamilton R, Holder GE, Tzekov R, Bach M (2015) ISCEV Standard for full-field clinical electroretinography (2015 update). Doc Ophthalmol 130:1–12  [→PDF]
  83. Moret F, Reiff CM, Lagrèze WA, Bach M (2015) Quantitative Analysis of Fundus-Image Sequences Reveals Phase of Spontaneous Venous Pulsations. Transl Vis Sci Technol 4:3  [→PDF]
  84. Tebartz van Elst L, Bach M, Blessing J, Riedel A, Bubl E (2015) Normal Visual Acuity and Electrophysiological Contrast Gain in Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Hum Neurosci 9:460  [→PDF]

     2014  🔝️
  85. Anton A, Böhringer D, Bach M, Reinhard T, Birnbaum F (2014) Contrast sensitivity with bifocal intraocular lenses is halved, as measured with the Freiburg Vision Test (FrACT), yet patients are happy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 252:539–544  [→PDF]
  86. Bach M (2014) Visual illusions on the Internet: 15 years of change in technology and user behavior. Perception 43:873–880  [→PDF]
  87. Kornmeier J, Bach M (2014) EEG correlates of perceptual reversals in Boring's ambiguous old/young woman stimulus. Perception 43:950–962
  88. Kornmeier J, Wörner R, Riedel A, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L (2014) A different view on the checkerboard? Alterations in early and late visually evoked EEG potentials in Asperger observers. PLoS One 9:e90993  [→PDF]
  89. König S, Tonagel F, Schiefer U, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2014) Assessing visual acuity across five disease types: ETDRS charts are faster with clinical outcome comparable to Landolt Cs. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 252:1093–1099  [→PDF]
  90. Lahr J, Peter J, Bach M, Mader I, Nissen C, Normann C, Kaller CP, Klöppel S (2014) Heterogeneity of stimulus-specific response modification-an fMRI study on neuroplasticity. Front Hum Neurosci 8:695  [→PDF]
  91. Marhöfer DJ, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2014) Faces are more attractive than motion: evidence from two simultaneous oddball paradigms. Doc Ophthalmol 128:201–209  [→PDF]
  92. Sarossy MG, Lee MHA, Bach M (2014) A fast automated method for calculating the EOG Arden ratio. Doc Ophthalmol 128:169–178  [→PDF]
  93. Wenner Y, Heinrich SP, Beisse C, Fuchs A, Bach M (2014) Visual evoked potential-based acuity assessment: overestimation in amblyopia. Doc Ophthalmol 128:191–200  [→PDF]

     2013  🔝️
  94. Bach M, Brigell MG, Hawlina M, Holder GE, Johnson MA, McCulloch DL, Meigen T, Viswanathan S (2013) ISCEV standard for clinical pattern electroretinography (PERG): 2012 update. Doc Ophthalmol 126:1–7  [→PDF]
  95. Bach M, Poloschek CM (2013) Electrophysiology and glaucoma: current status and future challenges. Cell Tissue Res 353:287–296  [→PDF]
  96. Bach M, Ramharter-Sereinig A (2013) Pattern electroretinogram to detect glaucoma: comparing the PERGLA and the PERG Ratio protocols. Doc Ophthalmol 127:227–238  [→PDF]
  97. Bubl E, Dörr M, Philipsen A, Ebert D, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L (2013) Retinal contrast transfer functions in adults with and without ADHD. PLoS One 8:e61728  [→PDF]
  98. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2013) Resolution acuity versus recognition acuity with Landolt-style optotypes. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 251:2235–2241  [→PDF]
  99. Nau A, Bach M, Fisher C (2013) Clinical Tests of Ultra-Low Vision Used to Evaluate Rudimentary Visual Perceptions Enabled by the BrainPort Vision Device. Transl Vis Sci Technol 2:1
  100. Poloschek CM, Bach M (2013) Erratum to: Can we do without mydriasis in multifocal ERG recordings? Doc Ophthalmol 126:261–262  [→PDF]
  101. Preiser D, Lagrèze WA, Bach M, Poloschek CM (2013) Photopic negative response versus pattern electroretinogram in early glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54:1182–1191  [→PDF]
  102. Stingl K, Bach M, Bartz-Schmidt K, Braun A, Bruckmann A, Gekeler F, Greppmaier U, Hortdorfer G, Kusnyerik A, Peters T, Wilhelm B, Wilke R, Zrenner E (2013) Safety and efficacy of subretinal visual implants in humans: methodological aspects. Clin Exp Optom 96:4–13  [→PDF]

     2012  🔝️
  103. Bubl E, Ebert D, Kern E, Tebartz van Elst L, Bach M (2012) Effect of antidepressive therapy on retinal contrast processing in depressive disorder. Br J Psychiatry 201:151–158  [→PDF]
  104. Dannheim F, Schiefer U, Krastel H, Bach M (2012) Instruktion für Standardisierte Automatische Perimetrie. Ophthalmologe 109:411–413
  105. Göbel K, Poloschek CM, Erb C, Bach M (2012) Bedeutung der Flimmer-Kontrasttests in der funktionellen Glaukom-Diagnostik. Ophthalmologe 109:319–324  [→PDF]
  106. Hood DC, Bach M, Brigell M, Keating D, Kondo M, Lyons JS, Marmor MF, McCulloch DL, Palmowski-Wolfe AM (2012) ISCEV standard for clinical multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) (2011 edition). Doc Ophthalmol 124:1–13  [→PDF]
  107. Kommerell G, Voges N, Bach M (2012) Zwei Augen besser als eins? Z prakt Augenheilkd 33:453–456
  108. Kornmeier J, Bach M (2012) Ambiguous figures - what happens in the brain when perception changes but not the stimulus. Front Hum Neurosci 6:51  [→PDF]
  109. Poloschek CM, Bach M (2012) Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungsmethoden in der Glaukomdiagnostik. Ophthalmologe 109:358–363  [→PDF]
  110. Saevarsson S, Kristjansson A, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2012) P300 in neglect. Clin Neurophysiol 123:496–506  [→PDF]
  111. Stiebel-Kalish H, Reich E, Rainy N, Vatine G, Nisgav Y, Tovar A, Gothilf Y, Bach M (2012) Gucy2f zebrafish knockdown – a model for Gucy2d-related leber congenital amaurosis. Eur J Hum Genet 20:884–889
  112. Voges N, Bach M, Kommerell G (2012) Parallactic movement beats binocularity in the presence of external visual noise. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 32:308–316
  113. van Oterendorp C, Sgouris S, Bach M, Martin G, Biermann J, Jordan JF, Lagrèze WA (2012) Quantification of retrograde axonal transport in the rat optic nerve by fluorogold spectrometry. PLoS One 7:e38820

     2011  🔝️
  114. Bach M, Schiefer U, Lachenmayr B (2011) Prüfung des Kontrast- oder Dämmerungssehens. Ophthalmologe 108:1195–1198
  115. Bode SFN, Jehle T, Bach M (2011) Pattern electroretinogram in glaucoma suspects: new findings from a longitudinal study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52:4300–4306  [→PDF]
  116. Dehnert A, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2011) Subjective visual acuity with simulated defocus. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 31:625–631
  117. Ehm W, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2011) Ambiguous figures and binding: EEG frequency modulations during multistable perception. Psychophysiol 48:547–558  [→PDF]
  118. Heinrich SP, Krüger K, Bach M (2011) The dynamics of practice effects in an optotype acuity task. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 249:1319–1326  [→PDF]
  119. Hoffmann MB, Wolynski B, Bach M, Meltendorf S, Behrens-Baumann W, Golla F (2011) Optic nerve projections in patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52:4617–4625
  120. Kornmeier J, Pfäffle M, Bach M (2011) Necker cube: stimulus-related (low-level) and percept-related (high-level) EEG signatures early in occipital cortex. J Vis 11:12  [→PDF]
  121. Krastel H, Beutelspacher S, Golubkina L, Rensch F, Jonas J, Kolling G, Bach M, Frish I (2011) Charles Bonnet-Syndrom: Welche Defektmuster im Gesichtsfeld disponieren zu Einfüllphaenomenen? Z prakt Augenheilkd 32:112–120
  122. Marmor MF, Brigell MG, McCulloch DL, Westall CA, Bach M (2011) ISCEV standard for clinical electro-oculography (2010 update). Doc Ophthalmol 122:1–7  [→PDF]
  123. McCulloch DL, Loffler G, Colquhoun K, Bruce N, Dutton GN, Bach M (2011) The effects of visual degradation on face discrimination. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 31:240–248  [→PDF]
  124. Moret F, Poloschek CM, Lagrèze WA, Bach M (2011) Visualization of fundus vessel pulsation using principal component analysis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52:5457–5464  [→PDF]
  125. Tavassoli T, Latham K, Bach M, Dakin SC, Baron-Cohen S (2011) Psychophysical measures of visual acuity in autism spectrum conditions. Vision Res 51(15):1778–1780  [→PDF]

     2010  🔝️
  126. Bach M, Wilke M, Wilhelm B, Zrenner E, Wilke R (2010) Basic quantitative assessment of visual performance in patients with very low vision. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51:1255–1260  [→PDF]
  127. Bubl E, Kern E, Ebert D, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L (2010) Seeing gray when feeling blue? Depression can be measured in the eye of the diseased. Biol Psychiatry 68:205–208
  128. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2010) Less is more: subjective detailedness depends on stimulus size. J Vis 10(10):2  [→PDF]
  129. Heinrich SP, Krüger K, Bach M (2010) The effect of optotype presentation duration on acuity estimates revisited. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 248:389–394  [→PDF]
  130. Heinrich SP, Marhöfer D, Bach M (2010) “Cognitive” visual acuity estimation based on the event-related potential P300 component. Clin Neurophysiol 121:1464–1472
  131. Holopigian K, Bach M (2010) A primer on common statistical errors in clinical ophthalmology. Doc Ophthalmol 121:215–222  [→PDF]
  132. Jehle T, Meschede W, Dersch R, Feltgen N, Bach M, Lagrèze WA (2010) Erythropoietin schützt retinale Ganglienzellen und die Sehfunktion nach Ischämie und Sehnervkompression im Rattenmodell. Ophthalmologe 107:347–353  [→PDF]
  133. Krastel H, Kolling G, Bach M (2010) Durch Visus und Perimetrie nicht abschließend geklärt: Seh- und Wahrnehmungsstörungen der täglichen Praxis. Z prakt Augenheilkd 31:285–292  [→PDF]
  134. Odom JV, Bach M, Brigell M, Holder GE, McCulloch DL, Tormene AP, Vaegan (2010) ISCEV standard for clinical visual evoked potentials (2009 update). Doc Ophthalmol 120:111–119  [→PDF]
  135. Otto JM, Bach M, Kommerell G (2010) Advantage of binocularity in the presence of external visual noise. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 248:535–541  [→PDF]
  136. Poloschek CM, Bach M, Lagrèze WA, Glaus E, Lemke JR, Berger W, Neidhardt J (2010) ABCA4 and ROM1: implications for modification of the PRPH2-associated macular dystrophy phenotype. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51:4253–4265  [→PDF]
  137. Roland J, Hirsch U, Heinrich SP, Bach M, Graf M (2010) Ein stochastischer Test zur Validitätskontrolle von Visusangaben. Ophthalmologe 107:47–54  [→PDF]
  138. Wesemann W, Schiefer U, Bach M (2010) Neue DIN-Normen zur Sehschärfebestimmung. Ophthalmologe 107:821–826  [→PDF]

     2009  🔝️
  139. Bach M (2009) Die Hermann-Gitter-Täuschung: Lehrbucherklärung widerlegt. Ophthalmologe 106(10):913–917  [→PDF]
  140. Bach M, Dakin SC (2009) Regarding “Eagle-eyed visual acuity”: an experimental investigation of enhanced perception in autism. Biol Psychiatry 66(10):e19–20; author reply e23–24  [→PDF]
  141. Heinrich SP, Mell D, Bach M (2009) Frequency-domain analysis of fast oddball responses to visual stimuli: a feasibility study. Int J Psychophysiol 73:287–293
  142. Höffken O, Stude P, Lenz M, Bach M, Dinse HR, Tegenthoff M (2009) Visual paired-pulse stimulation reveals enhanced visual cortex excitability in migraineurs. Eur J Neurosci 30:714–720
  143. Jehle T, Ehlken D, Wingert K, Feuerstein TJ, Bach M, Lagrèze WA (2009) Influence of narcotics on luminance and frequency modulated visual evoked potentials in rats. Doc Ophthalmol 118:217–224  [→PDF]
  144. Kornmeier J, Bach M (2009) Object perception: when our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. J Vis 9:7.1–10  [→PDF]
  145. Kornmeier J, Hein CM, Bach M (2009) Multistable perception: when bottom-up and top-down coincide. Brain Cogn 69:138–147  [→PDF]
  146. Krastel H, Kolling G, Bach M (2009) Sehstörungen jenseits der Erfassbarkeit durch Visus und Gesichtsfeld. Z prakt Augenheilkd 30:69–75
  147. Krastel H, Kolling G, Schiefer U, Bach M (2009) Qualitätsanforderungen an die Untersuchung des Farbsinns. Ophthalmologe 106(12):1083–1102  [→PDF]
  148. Lagrèze WA, Feltgen N, Bach M, Jehle T (2009) Feasibility of intravitreal erythropoietin injections in humans. Br J Ophthalmol 93(12):1667–1671  [→PDF]
  149. Lagrèze WA, Gaggl M, Weigel M, Schulte-Mönting J, Bühler A, Bach M, Munk RD, Bley TA (2009) Retrobulbar optic nerve diameter measured by high-speed magnetic resonance imaging as a biomarker for axonal loss in glaucomatous optic atrophy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50:4223–4228  [→PDF]
  150. Lange C, Feltgen N, Junker B, Schulze-Bonsel K, Bach M (2009) Resolving the clinical acuity categories “hand motion” and “counting fingers” using the Freiburg Visual Acuity Test (FrACT). Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 247:137–142  [→PDF]
  151. Marmor MF, Fulton AB, Holder GE, Miyake Y, Brigell M, Bach M (2009) ISCEV Standard for full-field clinical electroretinography (2008 update). Doc Ophthalmol 118:69–77  [→PDF]
  152. Otto JMN, Kromeier M, Bach M, Kommerell G (2009) Microstrabismus: Fixation point scotoma, a perimetric artefact. Vision Res 49:575–581  [→PDF]
  153. Otto JM, Bach M, Kommerell G (2009) Vergence position of rest: spontaneous variability. Strabismus 17:143–147
  154. Pieh C, McCulloch DL, Shahani U, Mactier H, Bach M (2009) Maturation of steady-state flicker VEPs in infants: fundamental and harmonic temporal response frequencies. Doc Ophthalmol 118:109–119  [→PDF]
  155. Poloschek CM, Bach M (2009) The mfERG response topography with scaled stimuli: effect of the stretch factor. Doc Ophthalmol 119:51–58  [→PDF]
  156. Poloschek CM, Bach M (2009) Can we do without mydriasis in multifocal ERG recordings? Doc Ophthalmol 118:121–127  [→PDF]
  157. Stahl A, Feltgen N, Fuchs A, Bach M (2009) Electrophysiological evaluation of retinal photoreceptor function after repeated bevacizumab injections. Doc Ophthalmol 118:81–88  [→PDF]

     2008  🔝️
  158. Atmanspacher H, Bach M, Filk T, Kornmeier J, Römer H (2008) Cognitive Time Scales in a Necker-Zeno Model for Bistable Perception. Open Cybern Systemics J 2:  [→PDF]
  159. Bach M, Maurer JP, Wolf ME (2008) Visual evoked potential-based acuity assessment in normal vision, artificially degraded vision, and in patients. Br J Ophthalmol 92:396–403  [→PDF]
  160. Bach M, Wesemann W, Kolling G, Bühren J, Krastel H, Schiefer U (2008) Photopisches Kontrastsehen – örtliche Kontrastempfindlichkeit. Ophthalmologe 105:46–8, 50–59  [→PDF]
  161. Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2008) Update on the pattern electroretinogram in glaucoma. Optom Vis Sci 85:386–395  [→PDF]
  162. Dimitriu C, Bach M, Lagrèze WA, Jehle T (2008) Methylprednisolone fails to preserve retinal ganglion cells and visual function after ocular ischemia in rats. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49(11):5003–5007  [→PDF]
  163. Heinrich SP, Aertsen A, Bach M (2008) Oblique effects beyond low-level visual processing. Vision Res 48:809–818  [→PDF]
  164. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2008) Signal and noise in P300 recordings to visual stimuli. Doc Ophthalmol 117:73–83  [→PDF]
  165. Hood DC, Bach M, Brigell M, Keating D, Kondo M, Lyons JS, Palmowski-Wolfe AM (2008) ISCEV guidelines for clinical multifocal electroretinography (2007 edition). Doc Ophthalmol 116:1–11  [→PDF]
  166. Höffken O, Grehl T, Dinse HR, Tegenthoff M, Bach M (2008) Paired-pulse behavior of visually evoked potentials recorded in human visual cortex using patterned paired-pulse stimulation. Exp Brain Res 188:427–435
  167. Jehle T, Wingert K, Dimitriu C, Meschede W, Lasseck J, Bach M, Lagrèze WA (2008) Quantification of ischemic damage in the rat retina: a comparative study using evoked potentials, electroretinography, and histology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49:1056–1064  [→PDF]
  168. Lachapelle J, McKerral M, Jauffret C, Bach M (2008) Temporal resolution of orientation-defined texture segregation: a VEP study. Doc Ophthalmol 117:155–162  [→PDF]
  169. Mell D, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2008) Fast stimulus sequences improve the efficiency of event-related potential P300 recordings. J Neurosci Meth 174:259–264
  170. Metten M, Link H, Staubach F, Bach M, Lagrèze WA (2008) Dose-response relationship in inferior oblique muscle recession. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 246:593–598  [→PDF]
  171. Otto JMN, Bach M, Kommerell G (2008) The prism that aligns fixation disparity does not predict the self-selected prism. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 28:550–557
  172. Otto JMN, Kromeier M, Bach M, Kommerell G (2008) Do dissociated or associated phoria predict the comfortable prism? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 246:631–639  [→PDF]
  173. Poloschek CM, Bach M (2008) Verbesserung der Glaukom-Frühdiagnose mittels neuer elektrophysiologischer Ansätze. Augenspiegel 11:24–27
  174. Poloschek CM, Hansen LL, Bach M (2008) Annular fundus autofluorescence abnormality in a case of macular dystrophy. Doc Ophthalmol 116:91–95  [→PDF]
  175. Poloschek CM, Kloeckener-Gruissem B, Hansen LL, Bach M, Berger W (2008) Syndromic choroideremia: sublocalization of phenotypes associated with Martin-Probst deafness mental retardation syndrome. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49:4096–4104  [→PDF]

     2007  🔝️
  176. Bach M (2007) The Freiburg Visual Acuity Test – variability unchanged by post-hoc re-analysis. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 245:965–971  [→PDF]
  177. Bach M, Schulze-Bonsel K, Feltgen N, Burau H, Hansen LL (2007) Author Response: Numerical Imputation for Low Vision States. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci  [→PDF]
  178. Ben-Shlomo G, Bach M, Ofri R (2007) Temporal and spatial frequencies interact in the contrast transfer function of the pattern electroretinogram. Vision Res 47(15):1992–1999  [→PDF]
  179. Heinrich SP, Andres M, Bach M (2007) Attention and visual texture segregation. J Vis 7:6  [→PDF]
  180. Holder GE, Brigell MG, Hawlina M, Meigen T, Vaegan , Bach M (2007) ISCEV standard for clinical pattern electroretinography – 2007 update. Doc Ophthalmol 114:111–116  [→PDF]
  181. Kornmeier J, Ehm W, Bigalke H, Bach M (2007) Discontinuous presentation of ambiguous figures: how interstimulus-interval durations affect reversal dynamics and ERPs. Psychophysiol 44:552–560  [→PDF]
  182. Normann C, Schmitz D, Fürmaier A, Doing C, Bach M (2007) Long-term plasticity of visually evoked potentials in humans is altered in major depression. Biol Psychiatry 62:373–380  [→PDF]

     2006  🔝️
  183. Bach M (2006) Latency of the mfVEP to diagnose glaucoma? Br J Ophthalmol 90:1076–1077  [→PDF]
  184. Bach M, Poloschek CM (2006) Optical Illusions. Adv Clin Neurosci Rehabil 6(2):20–21  [→PDF]
  185. Bach M, Unsoeld AS, Philippin H, Staubach F, Maier P, Walter HS, Bömer TG, Funk J (2006) Pattern ERG as an early glaucoma indicator in ocular hypertension: a long-term, prospective study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47(11):4881–4887  [→PDF]
  186. Brown M, Marmor M, Vaegan , Zrenner E, Brigell M, Bach M (2006) ISCEV Standard for Clinical Electro-oculography (EOG) 2006. Doc Ophthalmol 113:205–212  [→PDF]
  187. Bühren J, Terzi E, Bach M, Wesemann W, Kohnen T (2006) Measuring contrast sensitivity under different lighting conditions: comparison of three tests. Optom Vis Sci 83:290–298
  188. Heinrich SP, Schilling AM, Bach M (2006) Motion adaptation: net duration matters, not continuousness. Exp Brain Res 169:461–466
  189. Jägle H, de Luca E, Serey L, Bach M, Sharpe LT (2006) Visual acuity and X-linked color blindness. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 244:447–453  [→PDF]
  190. Kornmeier J, Bach M (2006) Bistable perception – along the processing chain from ambiguous visual input to a stable percept. Int J Psychophysiol 62:345–349
  191. Kromeier M, Heinrich SP, Bach M, Kommerell G (2006) Ocular prevalence and stereoacuity. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 26:50–56  [→PDF]
  192. Philippin H, Unsoeld A, Maier P, Walter S, Bach M, Funk J (2006) Ten-year results: detection of long-term progressive optic disc changes with confocal laser tomography. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 244:460–464  [→PDF]
  193. Schimitzek T, Bach M (2006) The influence of luminance on the multifocal ERG. Doc Ophthalmol 113:187–192  [→PDF]
  194. Schulze-Bonsel K, Feltgen N, Burau H, Hansen L, Bach M (2006) Visual acuities "hand motion" and "counting fingers" can be quantified with the freiburg visual acuity test. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47:1236–1240  [→PDF]

     2005  🔝️
  195. Heinrich SP, Kromeier M, Bach M, Kommerell G (2005) Vernier acuity for stereodisparate objects and ocular prevalence. Vision Res 45(10):1321–1328  [→PDF]
  196. Heinrich SP, Renkl AEH, Bach M (2005) Pattern specificity of human visual motion processing. Vision Res 45(16):2137–2143  [→PDF]
  197. Kornmeier J, Bach M (2005) The Necker cube – an ambiguous figure disambiguated in early visual processing. Vision Res 45:955–960  [→PDF]
  198. Pieh C, Hoffmann MB, Bach M (2005) The influence of defocus on multifocal visual evoked potentials. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 243:38–42  [→PDF]

     2004  🔝️
  199. Bach M, Mathieu M (2004) Different effect of dioptric defocus vs. light scatter on the pattern electroretinogram (PERG). Doc Ophthalmol 108:99–106  [→PDF]
  200. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2004) High-frequency oscillations in human visual cortex do not mirror retinal frequencies. Neurosci Lett 369:55–58
  201. Heinrich SP, van der Smagt MJ, Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2004) Electrophysiological evidence for independent speed channels in human motion processing. J Vis 4:469–475  [→PDF]
  202. Hoffmann MB, Seufert PS, Bach M (2004) Simulated nystagmus suppresses pattern-reversal but not pattern-onset visual evoked potentials. Clin Neurophysiol 115(11):2659–2665  [→PDF]
  203. Kornmeier J, Bach M (2004) Early neural activity in Necker-cube reversal: evidence for low-level processing of a gestalt phenomenon. Psychophysiol 41:1–8  [→PDF]
  204. Kornmeier J, Bach M, Atmanspacher H (2004) Correlates of perceptive instabilities in event-related potentials. Int J Bifurcation Chaos 14(02):727–736  [→PDF]
  205. Lachapelle J, Ouimet C, Bach M, Ptito A, McKerral M (2004) Texture segregation in traumatic brain injury – a VEP study. Vision Res 44(24):2835–2842  [→PDF]
  206. Maurer JP, Heinrich TS, Bach M (2004) Direction tuning of human motion detection determined from a population model. Eur J Neurosci 19(12):3359–3364
  207. Odom JV, Bach M, Barber C, Brigell M, Marmor MF, Tormene AP, Holder GE, Vaegan (2004) Visual evoked potentials standard (2004). Doc Ophthalmol 108:115–123  [→PDF]

     2003  🔝️
  208. Brigell M, Bach M, Barber C, Moskowitz A, Robson J (2003) Guidelines for calibration of stimulus and recording parameters used in clinical electrophysiology of vision. Doc Ophthalmol 107:185–193  [→PDF]
  209. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2003) Adaptation characteristics of steady-state motion visual evoked potentials. Clin Neurophysiol 114:1359–1366
  210. Hoffmann MB, Straube S, Bach M (2003) Pattern-onset stimulation boosts central multifocal VEP responses. J Vis 3:432–439  [→PDF]
  211. Kommerell G, Schmitt C, Kromeier M, Bach M (2003) Ocular prevalence versus ocular dominance. Vision Res 43(12):1397–1403  [→PDF]
  212. Kromeier M, Schmitt C, Bach M, Kommerell G (2003) Stereoacuity versus fixation disparity as indicators for vergence accuracy under prismatic stress. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 23:43–49
  213. Maurer JP, Bach M (2003) Isolating motion responses in visual evoked potentials by preadapting flicker-sensitive mechanisms. Exp Brain Res 151:536–541

     2002  🔝️
  214. Bach M, Schumacher M (2002) The influence of ambient room lighting on the pattern electroretinogram (PERG). Doc Ophthalmol 105:281–289  [→PDF]
  215. Heinrich TS, Bach M (2002) Contrast adaptation: paradoxical effects when the temporal frequencies of adaptation and test differ. Vis Neurosci 19:421–426
  216. Heinrich TS, Bach M (2002) Contrast adaptation in retinal and cortical evoked potentials: no adaptation to low spatial frequencies. Vis Neurosci 19:645–650
  217. Hoffmann MB, Bach M (2002) The distinction between eye and object motion is reflected by the motion-onset visual evoked potential. Exp Brain Res 144:141–151  [→PDF]
  218. Kromeier M, Schmitt C, Bach M, Kommerell G (2002) Vergleich zwischen dissoziierter und assoziierter Heterophorie. Ophthalmologe 99:549–554  [→PDF]
  219. Kromeier M, Schmitt C, Bach M, Kommerell G (2002) Bessern Prismen nach Hans-Joachim Haase die Stereosehschärfe? Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 219:422–428
  220. Kromeier M, Schmitt C, Bach M, Kommerell G (2002) Beeinflussen Prismen nach Hans-Joachim Haase die Augenprävalenz? Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 219(12):851–857
  221. Kromeier M, Schmitt C, Bach M, Kommerell G (2002) [Prism correction in vision disparity based on the “H. J. Haase measurement and correction methodology”]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 219(12):859–861
  222. Schmitt C, Kromeier M, Bach M, Kommerell G (2002) Interindividual variability of learning in stereoacuity. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 240:704–709  [→PDF]

     2001  🔝️
  223. Bach M (2001) Electrophysiological approaches for early detection of glaucoma. Eur J Ophthalmol 11 Suppl 2:S41–49
  224. Bach M, Schmitt C, Kromeier M, Kommerell G (2001) The Freiburg Stereoacuity Test: automatic measurement of stereo threshold. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 239:562–566  [→PDF]
  225. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2001) 120 Hz oscillations in the flash visual evoked potential are strictly phase-locked and limited to the first 100 ms. Vis Neurosci 18:917–921
  226. Heinrich SP, Bach M (2001) Adaptation dynamics in pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials. Doc Ophthalmol 102:141–156  [→PDF]
  227. Heinrich TS, Bach M (2001) Contrast adaptation in human retina and cortex. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42(11):2721–2727
  228. Hoffmann MB, Unsöld AS, Bach M (2001) Directional tuning of human motion adaptation as reflected by the motion VEP. Vision Res 41(17):2187–2194  [→PDF]
  229. Janknecht P, Wesendahl T, Feltgen N, Otto T, Bach M (2001) Steady-state electroretinograms and pattern electroretinograms in pigs. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 239:133–137  [→PDF]
  230. Janz C, Heinrich SP, Kornmayer J, Bach M, Hennig J (2001) Coupling of neural activity and BOLD fMRI response: new insights by combination of fMRI and VEP experiments in transition from single events to continuous stimulation. Magn Reson Med 46:482–486  [→PDF]
  231. Kromeier M, Schmitt C, Bach M, Kommerell G (2001) Heterophoria measured with white, dark-grey and dark-red Maddox rods. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 239(12):937–940  [→PDF]
  232. Seeliger MW, Jurklies B, Kellner U, Palmowski A, Bach M, Kretschmann U (2001) Multifokale Elektroretinographie (mfERG). Ophthalmologe 98(11):1112–1127; quiz 1128–1129  [→PDF]

     2000  🔝️
  233. Bach M, Hawlina M, Holder GE, Marmor MF, Meigen T, Vaegan , Miyake Y (2000) Standard for pattern electroretinography. International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision. Doc Ophthalmol 101:11–18  [→PDF]
  234. Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2000) Visual motion detection in man is governed by non-retinal mechanisms. Vision Res 40(18):2379–2385  [→PDF]
  235. Bach M, Kellner U (2000) Elektrophysiologische Diagnostik in der Ophthalmologie. Ophthalmologe 97(12):898–920  [→PDF]
  236. Bach M, Schmitt C, Quenzer T, Meigen T, Fahle M (2000) Summation of texture segregation across orientation and spatial frequency: electrophysiological and psychophysical findings. Vision Res 40(26):3559–3566  [→PDF]
  237. Gerling J, de Paz H, Schroth V, Bach M, Kommerell G (2000) Ist die Feststellung einer Fixationsdisparation mit der Mess- und Korrektionsmethodik nach H.-J. Haase (MKH) verlässlich? Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 216:401–411
  238. Kommerell G, Gerling J, Ball M, de Paz H, Bach M (2000) Heterophoria and fixation disparity: a review. Strabismus 8:127–134
  239. Langheinrich T, Tebartz van Elst L, Lagrèze WA, Bach M, Lücking CH, Greenlee MW (2000) Visual contrast response functions in Parkinson's disease: evidence from electroretinograms, visually evoked potentials and psychophysics. Clin Neurophysiol 111:66–74  [→PDF]
  240. Schmidt D, Fehr J, Bach M (2000) Lesen bei Bewegung in der Gesichtsfeldperipherie. Ophthalmologe 97(12):846–848  [→PDF]

     1999  🔝️
  241. Bach M, Meigen T (1999) Do's and don'ts in Fourier analysis of steady-state potentials. Doc Ophthalmol 99:69–82  [→PDF]
  242. Hoffmann M, Dorn TJ, Bach M (1999) Time course of motion adaptation: motion-onset visual evoked potentials and subjective estimates. Vision Res 39:437–444  [→PDF]
  243. Lieb K, Brucker S, Bach M, Els T, Lücking CH, Greenlee MW (1999) Impairment in preattentive visual processing in patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain 122 ( Pt 2):303–313  [→PDF]
  244. Meigen T, Bach M (1999) On the statistical significance of electrophysiological steady-state responses. Doc Ophthalmol 98:207–232  [→PDF]
  245. Zapf HR, Bach M (1999) The contrast characteristic of the pattern electroretinogram depends on temporal frequency. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 237:93–99  [→PDF]

     1998  🔝️
  246. Bach M, Kommerell G (1998) Sehschärfebestimmung nach Europäischer Norm – wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Möglichkeiten der automatischen Messung. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 212:190–195
  247. Bach M, Meigen T (1998) Electrophysiological correlates of human texture segregation, an overview. Doc Ophthalmol 95(3-4):335–347  [→PDF]
  248. Brigell M, Bach M, Barber C, Kawasaki K, Kooijman A (1998) Guidelines for calibration of stimulus and recording parameters used in clinical electrophysiology of vision. Calibration Standard Committee of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). Doc Ophthalmol 95:1–14  [→PDF]
  249. Gerling J, Ball M, Bömer T, Bach M, Kommerell G (1998) Fixationsdisparation am Pola-Zeigertest: nicht repräsentativ für die Augenstellung unter natürlichen Sehbedingungen. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 212:226–233
  250. Lagrèze WA, Knörle R, Bach M, Feuerstein TJ (1998) Memantine is neuroprotective in a rat model of pressure-induced retinal ischemia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 39:1063–1066  [→PDF]
  251. Markstahler U, Bach M, Spatz WB (1998) Transient molecular visualization of ocular dominance columns (ODCs) in normal adult marmosets despite the desegregated termination of the retino-geniculo-cortical pathways. J Comp Neurol 393:118–134

     1997  🔝️
  252. Bach M (1997) Anti-aliasing and dithering in the 'Freiburg Visual Acuity Test'. Spat Vis 11:85–89
  253. Bach M (1997) A note on luminance calibration of raster-scan cathode-ray tubes: temporal resolution, ripple, and accuracy. Spat Vis 10:485–489
  254. Bach M, Meigen T (1997) Similar electrophysiological correlates of texture segregation induced by luminance, orientation, motion and stereo. Vision Res 37(11):1409–1414  [→PDF]
  255. Bach M, Meigen T, Strasburger H (1997) Raster-scan cathode-ray tubes for vision research – limits of resolution in space, time and intensity, and some solutions. Spat Vis 10:403–414  [→PDF]
  256. Bach M, Sulimma F, Gerling J (1997) Little correlation of the pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and visual field measures in early glaucoma. Doc Ophthalmol 94:253–263  [→PDF]
  257. Bach M, Ullrich D (1997) Contrast dependency of motion-onset and pattern-reversal VEPs: interaction of stimulus type, recording site and response component. Vision Res 37(13):1845–1849  [→PDF]
  258. Bach M, Mittelviefhaus K, Kommerell G (1997) Should vitamin A be recommended for patients with retinitis pigmentosa? Z prakt Augenheilkd 18:457–461
  259. Gerling J, Meigen T, Bach M (1997) Shift of equiluminance in congenital color vision deficiencies: pattern-ERG, VEP and psychophysical findings. Vision Res 37:821–826  [→PDF]
  260. Otto T, Bach M (1997) Retest variability and diurnal effects in the pattern electroretinogram. Doc Ophthalmol 92:311–323  [→PDF]
  261. Otto T, Bach M (1997) Zur Reproduzierbarkeit des Muster-Elektroretinogrammes. Ophthalmologe 94:217–221  [→PDF]
  262. Schmidt D, Bach M, Gerling J (1997) A case of localized retinal damage in thallium poisoning. Int Ophthalmol 21:143–147
  263. Zrenner E, Bach M, Dannheim F, Foerster M, Kellner U, Kolling G, Krastel H, Rassow B, Schiefer U, Weber J (1997) Empfehlungen der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (Qualitätssicherungskommission). Ophthalmologe 94:836–862

     1996  🔝️
  264. Bach M (1996) The Freiburg Visual Acuity test – automatic measurement of visual acuity. Optom Vis Sci 73:49–53  [→PDF]
  265. Bach M, Holder GE (1996) Check size tuning of the pattern electroretingoram: a reappraisal. Doc Ophthalmol 92:193–202  [→PDF]
  266. Bach M (1996) Elektrodiagnostik in der Ophthalmologie – Wann welche Untersuchung und warum? Orthopt Pleopt 20:5–22
  267. Bömer TG, Meyer JH, Bach M, Funk J (1996) Pattern electroretinogram and computerized optic nerve-head analysis in ocular hypertension – interim results after 2.5 years. Ger J Ophthalmol 5:26–30
  268. Gellrich MM, Kade G, Gerling J, Bach M, Hansen LL (1996) Pattern, flicker, and flash electroretinography in human immunodeficiency virus infection: a longitudinal study. Ger J Ophthalmol 5:16–22
  269. Röver J, Bornkessel HC, Nisius A, Bach M (1996) Der Freiburger Visustest vor und nach Kataractoperation. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 209:315–316
  270. Soriano M, Spillmann L, Bach M (1996) The abutting grating illusion. Vision Res 36:109–116  [→PDF]

     1995  🔝️
  271. Bach M (1995) Der Freiburger Visustest – Automatisierte Sehschärfebestimmung. Ophthalmologe 92:174–178
  272. Kommerell G, Ullrich D, Gilles U, Bach M (1995) Asymmetry of motion VEP in infantile strabismus and in central vestibular nystagmus. Doc Ophthalmol 89:373–381  [→PDF]
  273. Snowden RJ, Ullrich D, Bach M (1995) Isolation and characteristics of a steady-state visually-evoked potential in humans related to the motion of a stimulus. Vision Res 35(10):1365–1373  [→PDF]

     1994  🔝️
  274. Bach M, Ullrich D (1994) Motion adaptation governs the shape of motion-evoked cortical potentials. Vision Res 34(12):1541–1547
  275. Bach M (1994) Computergesteuerte Sehschärfemessung – der “Freiburger Visustest”. Biomed J 41:19–23
  276. Jedynak A, Bach M, Timmer J (1994) Failure of dimension analysis in a simple five-dimensional system. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics 50:1770–1780
  277. Lagrèze WD, Meigen T, Bach M (1994) Asymmetries in texture perception. Ger J Ophthalmol 3(4–5):220–223
  278. Meigen T, Lagrèze WD, Bach M (1994) Asymmetries in preattentive line detection. Vision Res 34(23):3103–3109

     1993  🔝️
  279. Bach M, Birkner-Binder D, Pfeiffer N (1993) Bei beginnendem Glaukom zeigt das Muster-Elektroretinogramm einen diffusen retinalen Schaden an. Ophthalmologe 90:128–131
  280. Bach M, Funk J (1993) Pattern electroretinogram and computerized optic nerve-head analysis in glaucoma suspects. Ger J Ophthalmol 2:178–181
  281. Hiss P, Bach M, Kommerell G (1993) The flicker test in the diagnosis of optic neuritis. Clin Vis Sci 8:253–262
  282. Meigen T, Bach M (1993) Perceptual ranking versus visual evoked potentials for different local features in texture segregation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 34(12):3264–3270  [→PDF]
  283. Mittelviefhaus K, Bach M, Jedynak A, Kommerell G (1993) Der Freiburger Visustest. Ophthalmologe 90:132–135
  284. Pfeiffer N, Tillmon B, Bach M (1993) Predictive value of the pattern electroretinogram in high-risk ocular hypertension. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 34:1710–1715
  285. Pfeiffer N, Bach M (1993) Das Muster-Elektroretinogramm: Anwendung bei Glaukom und okulärer Hypertension. Search Glaucoma 1:13–16

     1992  🔝️
  286. Bach M, Gerling J (1992) Retinal and cortical activity in human subjects during color flicker fusion. Vision Res 32:1219–1223
  287. Bach M, Kommerell G (1992) Albino-type misrouting of the optic nerve fibers not found in dissociated vertical deviation. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 230:158–161  [→PDF]
  288. Bach M, Meigen T (1992) Electrophysiological correlates of texture segregation in the human visual evoked potential. Vision Res 32:417–424  [→PDF]
  289. Bach M, Gerling J, Geiger K (1992) Optic atrophy reduces the pattern-electroretinogram for both fine and coarse stimulus patterns. Clin Vis Sci 7:327–333  [→PDF]
  290. Bach M, Pfeiffer N, Birkner-Binder D (1992) Pattern-electroretinogram reflects diffuse retinal damage in early glaucoma. Clin Vis Sci 7:335–340
  291. Joost W, Bach M, Schulte-Mönting J (1992) Influence of mood on visually evoked potentials: a prospective longitudinal study. Int J Psychophysiol 12:147–153
  292. Pfeiffer N, Bach M (1992) The pattern-electroretinogram in glaucoma and ocular hypertension. A cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Ger J Ophthalmol 1:35–40

     1991  🔝️
  293. Gerling J, Geiger K, Bach M (1991) Ganglienzellatrophie reduziert das Muster-ERG nicht nur bei feinen, sondern auch bei groben Reizmustern. Fortschr Ophthalmol 88:833–837
  294. Pfeiffer N, Birkner-Binder D, Bach M (1991) Das Muster-Elektroretinogramm bei okulärer Hypertension und Glaukom: Einfluss von Karogröße, Kontrast und retinaler Exzentrizität. Fortschr Ophthalmol 88:815–818
  295. Weber H, Fischer B, Bach M, Aiple F (1991) Occurrence of express saccades under isoluminance and low contrast luminance conditions. Vis Neurosci 7:505–510

     1990  🔝️
  296. Bach M, Birkner-Binder D, Pfeiffer N (1990) Das Muster-Elektroretinogramm bei frühem Glaukom und bei okulärer Hypertension. Fortschr Ophthalmol 87:591–593
  297. Bach M, Strahl P, Waltenspiel S, Kommerell G (1990) Amblyopie: Lesegeschwindigkeit im Vergleich zur Sehschärfe für Gitter, Einzel-Landolt-Cs und Reihen-Landolt-Cs. Fortschr Ophthalmol 87:500–503
  298. Bach M (1990) Die Sehbahnfehlprojektion bei Albinismus – eine neue Anwendung evozierter Potentiale in der Ophthalmologie. Orthopt Pleopt 15:7–14
  299. Joost W, Bach M (1990) Variability of the steady-state visually evoked potential: interindividual variance and intraindividual reproducibility of spatial frequency tuning. Doc Ophthalmol 75:59–66  [→PDF]

     1989  🔝️
  300. Bach M, Kommerell G (1989) Das Überwiegen kreuzender Sehnervenfasern ist ein Charakteristikum des Albinismus, aber nicht der dissoziierten Vertikaldeviation. Fortschr Ophthalmol 86:253–255
  301. Bach M, Speidel-Fiaux A (1989) Pattern electroretinogram in glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Doc Ophthalmol 73:173–181  [→PDF]

     1988  🔝️
  302. Bach M, Hiss P, Röver J (1988) Muster-ERG durch Helligkeits-Reize bei Normalpersonen und Patienten mit Optikusatrophie. Fortschr Ophthalmol 85:308–311
  303. Bach M, Hiss P, Röver J (1988) Check-size specific changes of pattern electroretinogram in patients with early open-angle glaucoma. Doc Ophthalmol 69:315–322  [→PDF]
  304. Bach M, Oschwald M, Röver J (1988) On the movement of an iron particle in a magnetic field. Doc Ophthalmol 68(3-4):389–394  [→PDF]
  305. Bach M, Greenlee MW, Bühler B (1988) Contrast adaptation can increase visually evoked potential amplitude. Clin Vis Sci 3:185–194  [→PDF]
  306. Hiss P, Bach M (1988) Spezifische Veränderungen im Muster-Elektroretinogramm bei frühen Glaukomstadien. Fortschr Ophthalmol 85:763–765

     1987  🔝️
  307. Bach M, Bühler B, Röver J (1987) Selektives Mitteln visuell evozierter Potentiale: Vergleich zweier Algorithmen und klinische Anwendung. Fortschr Ophthalmol 84:641–645  [→PDF]
  308. Kommerell G, Henn V, Bach M, Lücking CH (1987) Unilateral lesion of the paramedian pontine reticular formation: Loss of rapid eye movements with preservation of vestibulo-ocular reflex and pursuit. Neuro-Ophthalmol 7:93–98
  309. Röver J, Bach M (1987) C-wave versus electrooculogram in diseases of the retinal pigment epithelium. Doc Ophthalmol 65:385–391  [→PDF]
  310. Röver J, Bach M (1987) Pattern electroretinogram plus visual evoked potential: a decisive test in patients suspected of malingering. Doc Ophthalmol 66:245–251  [→PDF]

     1986  🔝️
  311. Bach M, Bühler B, Röver J (1986) Die Abhängigkeit der visuell evozierten Potentiale von der Leuchtdichte – Konsequenzen für die Elektrodiagnostik. Fortschr Ophthalmol 83:532–534
  312. Bach M, Krüger J (1986) Correlated neuronal variability in monkey visual cortex revealed by a multi-microelectrode. Exp Brain Res 61:451–456
  313. Kommerell G, Bach M (1986) A new type of Duane's syndrome: Twitch abduction on attempted upgaze and V-incomitance due to misinnervation of the lateral rectus by superior rectus neurons. Neuro-Ophthalmol 6:159–164

     1985  🔝️
  314. Bach M, Waltenspiel S, Bühler B, Röver J (1985) Sehbahndiagnostik mit simultaner Registrierung der retinalen und kortikalen Musterpotentiale. Fortschr Ophthalmol 82:398–401
  315. Röver J, Bach M (1985) Visual evoked potentials to various check patterns. Doc Ophthalmol 59:143–147  [→PDF]
  316. Röver J, Bach M (1985) The C-wave in hereditary degenerations of the ocular fundus. Doc Ophthalmol 60:127–132  [→PDF]

     1984  🔝️
  317. Bach M, Röver J (1984) Der prognostische Wert von ERG, Ultraschall und VEP bei Glaskörperblutungen. Fortschr Ophthalmol 81:274–276
  318. Bach M, Stegmaier J, Röver J (1984) A versatile simulator of evoked potentials. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 57:97–98
  319. Röver J, Bach M (1984) Slow retinal potentials in diseases of the retinal pigment epithelium. Dev Ophthalmol 9:195–203
  320. Röver J, Bach M (1984) Hat sich die Prognose perforierender Verletzungen durch die Vitrektomie gewandelt? Fortschr Ophthalmol 81:50–53

     1983  🔝️
  321. Bach M, Bouis D, Fischer B (1983) An accurate and linear infrared oculometer. J Neurosci Meth 9:9–14
  322. Röver J, Bach M, Mack M, Oschwald M (1983) Die visuell evozierten Potentiale (VEP) bei Erkrankungen der Sehbahn. Fortschr Ophthalmol 79:506–508

     1982  🔝️
  323. Krüger J, Bach M (1982) Independent systems of orientation columns in upper and lower layers of monkey visual cortex. Neurosci Lett 31:225–230

     1981  🔝️
  324. Fischer B, Boch R, Bach M (1981) Stimulus versus eye movements: comparison of neural activity in the striate and prelunate visual cortex (A17 and A19) of trained rhesus monkey. Exp Brain Res 43:69–77  [→PDF]
  325. Krüger J, Bach M (1981) Simultaneous recording with 30 microelectrodes in monkey visual cortex. Exp Brain Res 41:191–194  [→PDF]

Book chapters, unrefereed work, etc. 🔝️

  1. Bach M (2022) Optische Täuschungen und andere außergewöhnliche Sehphänomene. Kaden-Verlag, Mannheim, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-942825-97-9
  2. O’Shea RP, Temple ES, Misson GP, Wade NJ, Bach M (2020) Historical context, scientific context, and translation of Haidinger’s (1844) discovery of naked-eye visibility of the polarization of light. arXiv:2010.15252
  3. Bach M, Atala-Gérard L (2020) The Rotating Snakes Illusion Is a Straightforward Consequence of Nonlinearity in Arrays of Standard Motion Detectors. BioRxiv. Preprint of this.
  4. Bach M (2020) Blaulicht: Schädlich oder nicht? Z prakt Augenheilkd 41: 395–396
  5. Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2019) Measuring Hidden Electrical Sources In The Human Retina. Science Trends (public outreach communcation)
  6. Bach M (2017) Book review: “Vision – How it works and what can go wrong” by JED Dowling & JLD Dowling. Perception 46(7):882–884
  7. Bach M (2016) Sehen. In DASA (ed.) Szenografie in Ausstellungen und Museen VII. Klartext-Verlag(ISBN 978-3-8375-1582-4)
  8. Bach M (2015) Biologische Bewegung – oder: Was läuft denn da? Z. prakt. Augenheilkd. 36:495–500
  9. Bach M, Heinrich SP (2014) Perceptual learning in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity: continuous improvement or discovery effect? BJO, eLetter
  10. Bach M (2013) Book Review – The Art of the Illusion: Deceptions to Challenge the Eye and Mind. Optometry & Vision Science 90(1):e37
  11. Bach M (2012) Verminderte Kontrastwahrnehmung bei Depression – Nach Remission wird wieder „Normalzustand“ erreicht (Neues aus Wissenschaft und Forschung) Z prakt Augenheilkd 33:534
  12. Bach M (2011) Comment for the Editor’s Selection of IGR 12-4
  13. Bach M (2010) Optische Täuschungen: Wie wir unsere innere Welt konstruieren. Psychologie Heute 6:70–75
  14. Bach M (2010) Wahrnehmung: Wie wir unsere innere Welt konstruieren selbst wenn wir auf Grenzen stoßen. Freiburger Universitätsblätter 187:39–48
  15. Bach M, C Poloschek (2010) Elektrophysiologische Befunde beim Glaukom. In Erb C (ed) Search on Glaucoma – Glaukom und Gehirn. ISSN 0929-6387, pp 28–39
  16. Ehm W, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2010) Variability in gamma activity during observation of ambiguous figures. In: Bastianelli A, Vidotto G (eds) Fechner Day 2010, International Society for Psychophysics, Padua, 439–44
  17. Bach M (2009) Lehrbucherklärung widerlegt. Aktuelles zum Hermann-Gitter-Phänomen. In: Rosenzweig R (ed) Nicht wahr?! Sinneskanäle, Hirnwindungen und Grenzen der Wahrnehmung. Mentis · Paderborn; pp. 93–105
  18. Kommerell G, Otto JM, Bach M (2009) Prisms for non-strabismics: Is the vergence position of rest stable? In: Rosario Gomez de Liaño (Ed): Trans 32nd European Strabismological Association, 7-10, pp 23–26
  19. O’Shea RP, Roeber U, Bach M (2009) Evoked Potential: Vision. In: Goldstein EB (ed) Encyclopedia of Perception. Sage Publications, Inc; ISBN: 9781412940818; pp. 399-400, xli.
  20. Wilke R, Bach M, Wilhelm B, Durst W, Trauzettel-Klosinski S & Zrenner E (2007) Testing visual functions in patients with visual prostheses, in Humayun MS, Weiland JD, Chader G & Greenbaum E. Artificial Sight, Springer, New York
  21. Bach M, Hoffmann MB (2006) The Origin of the Pattern Electroretinogram (PERG). In: Heckenlively J, Arden G (eds) Principles and Practice of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision, 185–196. MIT Press · Cambridge, London
  22. Fahle M, Bach M (2006) Basics of the VEP. In: Heckenlively J, Arden G (eds) Principles and Practice of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision, 207–234. MIT Press · Cambridge, London
  23. Meigen Th, Bach M (2006) Electrophysiology in the Diagnosis of Glaucoma. In: Grehn F, Stamper E (eds) Essentials in Ophthalmology, 73–90. Springer
  24. Bach M, Haarmeier T, Dichgans J (2005) Visuell evozierte Potenziale (VEP) und Elektroretinogramm (ERG). In: Stöhr M, Dichgans J, Buettner UW, Hess CW (eds) Evozierte Potentiale, 4. Aufl., Kapitel 3 • Springer Verlag
  25. Bach M (2004) See how brightness differs from lumincance: the Checker Shadow illusion. In: Stafford T, Webb M (eds) Mind Hacks. O’Reilly (from Amazon)
  26. Bach M, Kellner U (2003) Apparative Diagnostik in der Augenheilkunde – Elektrophysiologie: ERG, EOG, mfERG, PERG & VEP. In: Kampik & Grehn, Augenärztliche Diagnostik • Thieme-Verlag 20:168-173
  27. Bach M (1999) Bildergeschichte. Apples DrawSprocket in eigenen Programmen verwenden. Computertechnik (c’t) 6:350-353
  28. Bach M (1999) Räumlich durchs Auge. Wie kommt die greifbare Welt in den Kopf? Computertechnik (c’t) 7:158-162
  29. Kommerell G, Gerling J, Bach M, Ball M (1999) Dissociated and associated phoria: do they indicate asthenopia? In: Pritchard C, Kohler M, Verlohr D (eds): Transactions IX International Orthoptic Congress, Stockholm. 264-268
  30. Bach M (1998) Electroencephalogram (EEG). In: von Schulthess GK & Hennig J (eds) Functional imaging: principles and methodology. Lippincott-Raven · Philadelphia. Chapter 9, p391-408
  31. Bach M (1997) Visuelle Textursegmentierung – elektrophysiologische und psychophysische Untersuchungen. In: Experimentelle und theoretische Hirnforschung. II. Sinneswahrnehmung, sensomotorische Koordination, neuronale Informationsverarbeitung. Freiburger Universitätsblätter, Heft 135, März 1997 (→HTML)
  32. Bach M (1997) Am Abzug – Trigger-Ein/Ausgänge ohne Hardware-Erweiterung für den Mac. Computertechnik (c’t) 5:378-380
  33. Bach M (1997) Klinische Sinnesphysiologie. In: Krieglstein GK (Hrsg) Glaukom: eine Standortbestimmung. Kaden-Verlag, p71-76
  34. Meigen T, Bach M, Gerling J, Schmid S (1997) Electrophysiological correlates of colour vision defects. In: Dickinson C, Murray I, Carden D (eds) John Dalton’s colour vision legacy. Selected proceedings of the international conference. Taylor & Francis · Basingstoke
  35. Gerling J, Meigen T, Bach M (1995) Diagnosis of protan and deutan color vision deficiencies with pattern-ERG and VEP. In: Drum B (ed) Colour Vision Deficiencies XII, pp 375-380. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
  36. Kommerell G, Ullrich D, Gilles U, Bach M (1994) Asymmetry of motion VEP in infantile strabismus and in central vestibular nystagmus. In: Fuchs AF, Brand Th, Büttner U, Zee DS (Eds) Contemporary ocular motor and vestibular research: A tribute to David A. Robinson. Thieme · Stuttgart, New York 394-397
  37. Meigen T, Bach M (1994) Electrophysiological correlates of texture segregation. In: Gale A, Carr K, Moorhead IR (Eds) Visual Search III, Taylor and Francis
  38. Bach M, Waltenspiel S, Schildwächter A (1989) Detection of defocused gratings – Spurious resolution, a pitfall in the determination of visual acuity based on preferential looking or VEP. In: Kulikowski JJ, Dickinson CM, Murray IJ (eds) Seeing contour and colour. Pergamon · Oxford: 562-565
  39. Bach M, Joost W (1989) VEP vs spatial frequency at high contrast: Subjects have either a bimodal or single-peaked response function. In: Kulikowski JJ, Dickinson CM & Murray IJ (eds) Seeing contour and colour. Pergamon · Oxford: 478-484