Based on your feedback (thanks) and some new ideas, over the last two month there were a number of improvements / additions to FrACT₁₀:

  • Fix issue #19: incorrect range check for contrastAcuityWeber, add max+/max- buttons
  • Two additions to help in ultra low vision (ULV)
    • Add a selectable margin, so the largest possible optotype doesn’t touch the screen edge which would make it more difficult to detect in ULV
    • Add “Acuity▸Starting LogMAR” to improve thresholding in ULV
  • Add Presets: a set of settings in Settings. This makes it easy to have stable conditions for studies. Contact me if you need one for your project.
  • Add more tool tips help. Tool tips appear if you hover for ≈1 s with the cursor over an interface element. On touch screens: unfortunately no equivalent.
  • Many small unmentionable tweaks to positioning in the GUI (graphical user interface)
  • Internal changes to solve incompatibilities (“XcodeCapp”) between the open-source “Cappuccino” framework and latest updates to my operating system; also future-proofs.

Updates earlier this year:

  • Fix issue #16: size calibration by placing a credit card on the screen
  • Fix issue #18: revamp ‘About’ pane → WebView for styled text & links, add “Libraries used”
  • Fix issue #15: add “line-by-line” mode
  • Fix issue #6: eccentric targets need better fixation mark presentation
  • Fix issue #9: in “oblique only” the buttons must also be at the oblique positions
  • Add “halfCI95” to the export list; entailed changes to deal with the computation delay
  • For insiders: commit history.

Happy acuities!