The Freiburg Vison Test (FrACT) started thirty-five (35) years ago! It now graduated to FrACT₁₀. The latter is based on JavaScript and thus can run in any current browser on any platform, including large touch devices (on-line only). An isolated version, allowing full-screen takeover, is here.
At this time FrACT₁₀ has the following options
- Visual acuity assessment using Sloan Letters, Landolt C, Tumbling E, TAO (The Auckland optotypes) and Vernier acuity
- Low-contrast acuity
- Crowding options
- Various sound feedback options with volume control
- Various result formats (LogMAR, decimal, Snellen fraction)
- Motivating “reward pictures” after last trial
- Result export
- via clipboard, ready to paste into a spreadsheet
- automated file export
- Operation on touch devices (tablets)
- An up-to-date manual
- Development diligently versioned with git
What FrACT₁₀ doesn’t do as yet, but it’s being planned
- Interactive gamma calibration
- Contrast sensitivity
- Gratings
- Display transformation (mirroring, rotation)
- Email export
- Stand-alone app
I’m now awaiting feedback on possible bugs and needs for additional features.
For “production environments”, e.g. clinical studies, you should stick to the proven and “grandfathered” classic FrACT, currently at version 3.10.5.